Think Chiropractic & Wellness Centre: experts at providing life strategies for health & wellness!
What is Osteopathic Manual Therapy?
Osteopathy focuses on facilitating the health of joints and muscles through non-invasive manual therapy, helping to strengthen the framework of the body, and acts as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medicine.
By working with the interrelated systems and functions of the human body, osteopathic manual therapy can return the body to normal health so it can self-heal and self-regulate.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners focus on principles-based, classical osteopathy and are therefore best able to diagnose and treat their patients. This classical training supports the practitioner treating the layers of bodily structure on a personalized, individual level.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners offer help with issues related to joints, bones and muscles including:
Sports injuries
Back pain
Shoulder pain
Pregnancy pain
Osteopathic Manual Therapy for babies?
It can be help to restore a calming balance to natural biorhythms. Babies especially benefit when they need support with:
Trauma from difficult delivery (very long or short delivery, ventouse or forceps interventions.)
Infant feeding challenges (latching difficulty, preference for feeding on one side.)
Tongue tie (tongue does not effectively reach the roof of the mouth